Our Festive Gift to you


Get a bottle of mind-blowing Chilli Sauce!

Enter your details on the right to get your hands on your bottle of  Exonar>REPENT and we will get one sent out to you.

Please add the address you'd like your bottle to be sent to. That could be to your home or to your office. 

Exonar>REPENT: take the heat from our sauce, not from a data breach.

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So, you may be wondering how we have our own Chilli Sauce, let me tell you. 

It all started with our Chief Chilli Connoisseur, Tim, a.k.a Exonar’s VP Services. He likes it nice and spicy and decided to bring a batch of his delicious home-made chilli sauce to work and get his colleagues working up a sweat.

What happened next was an unexpected phenomenon…

Across Exonar people started embracing the chilli life. At home, in the office and on every available windowsill they started growing chillies in the hope of replicating Tim’s spicy goodness. But as with all good things in life, the recipe is a secret blend of herbs and spices (although you can just look on the label, which we have to stick on every bottle for compliance purposes – it’ll give you a pretty good idea of what’s in that little bottle of fire).

It was so delicious we decided to manufacture our very own Exonar-branded Chilli Sauce and entrusted it to Wiltshire Chilli Farm. Now, the Exonar brand is synonymous with that fiery heat…

Get your bottle of Exonar Chilli Sauce

*Please note if you use your home address on the form those details will be deleted as soon as the chilli sauce has been sent to you. 
